Sunday 12 September 2010

The Timeline Expansion Project

The Original Project
The timeline project was made as an answer to the paper I wrote about whether it is possible to teach art and design onscreen. My overall response to this question was no, so I decided to make a teaching a tool that could be used in an academic enviornment.
I decided to make a timeline on graphic design, historic events and popular culture. I chose to add current events and popular culture to show how graphic design is influenced by what is going on in the world. All of the illustrations have been hand drawn by myself as well as hand drawn typography for the titles. There are also captions with information regarding certain events.
Some drawings are bigger than others to show the significance of the event. The timeline is printed on one roll of paper measuring over 7 feet long. It folds into a concertina and can be stored away in a box for convenience.
You can view more of the timeline here at my website
The New Project
Recently I have been reading various educational books because in september I will be starting a PGCE at the University of Wales Newport. After viewing these books I have realised they are not very aesthetically pleasing.
I want to make a book from the information that I have gathered in the timeline project that looks exciting and will make students engage in what they viewing.
I am planning to use Blurb a company that prints books for a very reasonable price. Blurb allows to you to download there own book making software called BookSmart or for the designers out there it allows you to download PDF's that can be used in indesign.
This week I will be researching interesting layouts and will keep you posted on what is happening with this project.

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