The Christmassy treats keep on flooding into CR Towers. Here are some more of the inventive ways that designers and ad agencies are promoting themselves this festive season... First up is illustrator James Majowski's take on Santa, which he calls 'On the origin of Christmas'.

We've all seen Elf Yourself, but now there's Delft Yourself, a uniquely Dutch take on the whole interactive Christmas card-film-website thing from 180 Amsterdam. Visitors to the site are encouraged to use their webcams to create their own personalised messages that will appear on the site in a Holland style.

Lean Mean Fighting Machine has tackled one of the great questions of the Christmas season with its website Snowman or Fatman? The site invites visitors to pick one option and then watch a small boy approach a snow-covered figure and kick it to reveal which is correct.
New Future Graphic has created this cute film featuring a wrapping paper-machine. The paper patterns shown can then be downloaded for use on your very own gifts online here
, and there are fun iPhone and iPad treats too.

Digital production house squint/opera has shown its dedication to the Christmas season by painting a giant Christmas tree across its office space.
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